Absolutely John

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Metadata warning from prerennial Cassandras

Those harbingers of the IT/Technology/Computer Industry meltdown scenarios are at it again.

Not content to warn all to wait to install Windows XP just in time for the next Summer Olympics, Gartner Group is again alerting us to a new problem: a metadata removal problem in the as-yet unreleased next version of Microsoft Windows, Windows Vista.

While you, I, and man+dog were asleep, Vista become the current version of Windows, and in Gold release.

I cannot believe these clowns.

Just like these articles I blogged about here, and here, it seems news organizations are sometimes engaged in a game of 'first post'.

And you expect it from them.

However, do you expect it from analysts?

Remember their previous Vista alert?

What was more hilarious: the alert or the 180-degree moonwalk clarification a few days later?

Well, they are at it again!

As usual, Ars Technica has a word on this issue. (Be sure to follow the hyperlinks on their page for reactions to the first 'alert'.)

Surprisingly, sane people pay for, and depend on these clowns for their prognostications. GiGa, up there, must be pissed at what his eponymous company has become.

Wouldn't I get better info by calling the Psychic Friends Network or Madamme Cleo?
