Absolutely John

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O Oh, here come the apologists!

Reading the LATimes fishwrap today was a revelation.

An article in it on the errors of the anti-doping agencies virtually killing the careers of athletes was the cause.

Mentioned, of course was the current fiasco with Floyd Landis and his alleged doping at the Tour de France.

Isn't it niiice to see all these guys hypocrites come out with their carving knives sharpened?

These are the same morons who, without any proof, have convinced the herd proletariat that Barry Bonds was using steroids. The same assholes that are warning us to wait for proof before accusing Roger Clemens and Lance Armstrong.

BTW, Look at the parallels between Bonds, Armstrong, and Clemens.

All have been accused, but there hasn't been any physical proof.

None whatsoever.

However, since the mainstream press, especially those imbeciles at ESPN who have their heads stuck so far up Armstrong's rectum that they can actually peek out his mouth, and like Clemens, they are willing to give them as pass until there is physical proof.

Are you jokin'?

The same standard does not apply to Bonds, since, those crusading reporters dicks in SF read some grand jury papers. As a result, it must be true.

Never mind that if it was, Bonds would be in pokey for lying to a grand jury.

Nah, he should just get out of baseball for baseball's sake.

The worst offender here is Bud 'The Human Asshole' Selig, the head monkey for MLB, who prejudged the whole affair by saying he would not celebrate Bonds' passing of Hammerin' Hanks record, thereby implying that something was amiss.

Listed bud, all insults intended, you're a punk-ass fool, and nobody asked you. Just go away.

Notice that I did not say a word about Landis, which should speak volumes.

He is the only one mentioned in this article who has has a sample come back tainted.

All I know is that before and during the TdF, all I heard about was how he was such a devout Mennonite, and all-round nice guy, and I rooted for him.

I still root for him, because I respect what his branch of Christianity stands for, and their emphasis on service and serving. He, however, should this fiasco be found to be true and he juiced, would have brought great disrepute to a totally undeserving Christian congregation.

Since it is the policy of this blogger not to give further credence to the nonsensical articles I find in fishwraps or glossies, I refuse to insert a hyperlink but only mention the name of the newspaper.