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Joe Wilcox on Vista being 'Last Windows'

Joe Wilcox, who in my mind will always be The Microsoft Monitor, has, as he is always wont to, a very to-the-point article on those SWAG-sters/soothsayers* analysts(?) at Gartner.

In his piece Vista Isn't Windows' Last Destination, he correctly asks the question that most of those supposed 'pundits' should have asked before spewing forth their bloggorhea about the Gartner declaration as if it came down on a tablet with our Patriarch, Moses.

The question?

"Who spiked the eggnog at Gartner?"

Unfortunately, his good manners do not allow him to be more condescending and/or downright insulting to those Madamme Cleo-wanna bes!

Not hobbled by that admirable limitation despite a classical British upbringing, I can definitely say that the tossers at Gartner are a bunch of headline-grabbing morons.

Remember my earlier posts about those yum-yums here and here.

Joe has thankfully taken over the reins of Microsoft Watch, which after the exit of that estimable lady, Mary Jo Foley, had gone to the dogs. Literally!

It took three articles by the placeholder for Joe for me to thoroughly discount MS-Watch and delete it from my feedlist. Since Joe's arrival there, the quality shot back up.

Thanks Joe.

* SWAG: Stupid Wild-A$$ed Guess. The algorithm used to derive their declarations.