Absolutely John

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One reason why Windows Mobile 6.5 will fail

They’re doing it again!!!

Look at the graphic below

WinMo failDo you see what’s wrong?

What was the primary problem most people had with Windows Vista?

If you said ‘resource-hungriness’, go to the head of the class.

What was particularly galling to most people was the requirement that they upgrade their hardware significantly in order to run Windows Vista, a situation that rankled. And still does.

Now, they’re doing it again: leaving the 20 million previous annual buyers of Windows Mobile phones in the lurch as a result of some stupid corporate decision.

Don’t they listen to their focus groups?

Or their MVPs, who happen to be some of the most knowledgeable people on this planet? (I kid you not: every Windows Mobile MVP I have ever met, is smart, sharp, knowledgeable, and approachable.)

For a company that still supports Windows 2000 in some form, why alienate people with such a decision?

Memo to Microsoft: the cellphone is the most intimate piece of electronics people possess, period.

Do not go this route. Please, don’t.

Really though, next year, I don’t want to hear Ballmer bleating about how the (Windows Mobile 6.5) beta testers “didn’t ring the warning bells”, okay?

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