Absolutely John

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Microsoft cancels ‘The Family Guy’ ad placement deal

Microsoft is a rarity these days.

Not just as a hugely successful and profitable software company, but as a company that employs some of the most brilliant people on Terra; from the actual foot soldiers (the Microserfs) to the wonks at Microsoft Research.

Unfortunately, this penchant for hiring brainiacs seemingly does not extend to their marketing types.

In a move that laid a visual of PR types sitting around and smoking a hookah pipe filled with a deadly mixture of LSD, crack, and crystal meth, Microsoft selected the ribald cartoon, The Family Guy as the vehicle for the promotion of Windows 7.

The Family Guy.

The Family Guy?

I’ll pause for a moment while guffaws subside.

Are you kidding me?

No, and with all due respect to my peers and pals, I gotta go ballistic on this for a moment.

Are you freakin’ kiddin’ me?

The Family Guy?

Did the executive think it was some kind of family show?

For real?

Please read the communiqué issued by Microsoft:

"We initially chose to participate in the Seth and Alex variety show based on the audience composition and creative humor of Family Guy, but after reviewing an early version of the variety show it became clear that the content was not a fit with the Windows brand"

Wow, no excrement, Sherlock!

It is pleasing to note that despite the best efforts of these flacks, Windows 7, an excellent product, will do well.

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