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Microsoft PDC 2009

I am in the beauuuutiful City of Angels, Los Angeles, California for the Microsoft Professional Developers Conference, or PDC2009.

Based on the plethora of news released today, I see that I should have arrived yesterday in order to take all in as it happened. She-who-must-be-obeyed  vetoed my leaving yesterday. :(

This is probably the most important PDC for Microsoft in years, for it is the event that finally heralds the public birth of Windows Azure (or whatever the moniker would be); which is supposed to be the future of Microsoft.

Vested in all things Microsoft as I, Logikworx the company, and by proxy, all of our clients are, this event holds a lot it would determine our level of engagement with Microsoft for the future.

I am also looking forward to seeing old friends, and making new ones.

Stay tuned.

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