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Data Robotics and the Drobo

In the NAS storage space, certain companies and products redefine what we should expect from OEMs.

Two of those companies are Verbatim and Data Robotics.

Data Robotics is the manufacturer of the Drobo line of network-attached storage (NAS) devices.

In November, I had the opportunity, as part of Gestalt IT’s inaugural Tech Field Day delegates, to visit Data Robotics’ Northern California offices, and get a briefing from their CEO and other executives on the Drobo line.

At the briefing, we were given a sneak peek into two products that debuted a fortnight later: the Drobo Elite, and the Drobo S.

Innovation lives!
One of the very first things I look at with every new device that comes across my desk is the OOBE, or out-of-box-experience.

My standards re OOBE are very simple: if I have to crack open the manual to utilize your product, major league FAIL.

Well, the Drobo does NOT come with a manual.

Plug it in, install software, and Bob’s your uncle!

How cool is that?

Really, how cool is that?

This same simplicity exists for all products in the Drobo line, including the iSCSI-based Drobo Elite and Drobo Pro products.

I am impressed, and I look forward to reviewing both the low-end NAS Drobo S and the iSCSI SAN Drobo Elite in the near future, and bringing you my thoughts on them in a production environment.

So, back to my initial question, “What is a Drobo?”

A Drobo is a direct-attached storage device on the low end, and an innovative iSCSI SAN on the high end. It is easily managed, and has built-in self-healing capabilities.

Mark my words, Data Robotics, and the Drobo line, are products to watch.

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