Absolutely John

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The 787, Boeing, and hubris

Last year, flush with profits, Boeing executives decided to completely lose their minds, and, rather than negotiate with its unions, the dolts decided to allow a strike.

Whomever came up with that adage, “If you ever want to hear God laugh, make a plan” is a bonafide genius.

For shortly after McNerny and his minions declared victory, Wall Street decided to initiate the global financial meltdown we are still suffering, making Boeing management’s victory a Pyrrhic one, at best.

During that whole strike thing, I was among the lonely voices crying out against this, seeing nothing good in Boeing’s decision to let a strike occur in the days leading up to the launch of a new aircraft.

For goodness sakes, it was as if Boeing management was so drunk with the design wins of the 787 that they could not see that some of the damage was self-induced by Airbus, and prevailing market conditions.

If I, without the help of the analysts and intelligence at the disposition of the Boeing board could see this, why couldn’t they?

Fast forward to today, and the 787 is fast garnering a reputation as the plane that couldn’t get off the runway!

The first flight of the 787 has been pushed back from missed date to missed date.

In the meantime, with the use of obviously illegal government subsidies, the Airbus A350 is gaining strength.

I cannot wait to see the 10-K filings after the first 787 is delivered to determine whether the profit margins didn’t tank after the strike.

Surprisingly, McNerny still has his job!!!

Go figure!

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