Absolutely John

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Motorola: 2 Android phones by Christmas

motorolalogo Really?

Not one, but two Android phones?

Are you, like, freakin’ kiddin’ me?

In February of 2007, I expressed my incredulity that Motorola, as of that time, had three (3), yes, three mobile phone operating systems.

Fast forward to last week, and I believe the count is up to 5: Homegrown, Symbian, Windows Mobile, Mobile Linux, and Android.

The utility of such a decision boggles this mind!

For a company that once ruled the mobile phone roost, watching it slowly devolve into total irrelevancy is painful, and a subject to be taught in business schools for eons to come.

Looking at Motorola, albeit from the outside, it is easy to see that they are throwing mud upon the wall hoping for some suction, and the new co-CEOs – great decision-making by the board - really have no clues as to how they are going to stop this death spiral.

android_logoHitch your fortunes for a revival to a nascent OS that has had, at best, a lukewarm reception from the proletariat?

That is it?

I would have thought that MOT would have a contingent fully camped out in Redmond, ready to intro something as groundbreaking as the Razr once WinMo 6.5 drops, and be prepping mongo cool devices for WinMo 7.

Instead, we have Sanjay announcing to the world – proudly too – that 2 Android phones are forthcoming!


Watching Motorola circle the drain is moving from being painful to being truly exciting.

If you are not a holder of the stock, that is.


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