Absolutely John

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Hey Google, thou doth whinneth too much!

Stop crying wolf!

I really don’t like pilling on Google like this. (Actually, I do; those friggin’ hypocrites!)

Would there ever be a time when Google would accept that there is a link between old-school desktop productivity apps and cloud applications?

When the market for web-delivered apps was nascent, Google Apps ruled. Not because of the superiority of their product, but because of a few reasons: they were the only game in town, people had bought into Google’s false “Don’t be evil” shtick, and everyone was looking for a hero that wasn’t Microsoft.

Fast forward to today, and as the adults retook IT from the fawning fanbois, they realized that most of the Google specs were specious, and that their underlings had been led down the proverbial primrose path. As that realization hit, contracts started being cancelled, and bids started getting lost.

Then Google started complaining.

Microsoft won a Federal contract.

Google complained, and filed a lawsuit.

Now, the City and County of San Francisco, right there in Google’s backyard, rejected Google’s Offerings to move several disparate systems to Microsoft Exchange, and for added measure, they are evaluating Microsoft Office 365.

Oh, and Google’s complaining.


So, what’s new, right?

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