Absolutely John

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Another Bitcoin breach?

Sometimes, you just have to wonder about some people.

Trip this: some folks got together to create a new global currency outside of the purview and control of the world’s governments.

With great fanfare, these people, with the help of the anonymous and pseudonymous Satoshi Nakamoto, came up with Bitcoin.

Now, I don’t want to get into the details of how they accomplished this, but Wikipedia has a page devoted to it here.

Suffice it to say that otherwise intelligent people fell for the Wild, Wild West promise of this ruse, and bought into it.

Over the years, we have been subjected to news of one Bitcoin breach or another, and I would wonder how come the failings of that escapade was somehow invisible to its adherents.

So why blog now?

Read this headline:

Bitcoinica users sue for $460k in lost Bitcoins

Seriously, I am NOT making this up!

My first thought was, what country is Bitcoinica, and where are the boundaries of its jurisdiction?

So I read the article.

What a joke the entire thing is.

Think about this: a bunch of anarchists band together to create their own virtual currency, only to have their membership rip themselves off.

So they go crying “whee, whee, whee” like the three little pigs to a real world court for redress for a theft of virtual money that took place on a virtual trading exchange.

These are the times we live in!

Full article here

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