Absolutely John

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I’m so tired of Sprint, I just might get a VZW iPhone

Waiting for Godot

I am getting tired of the absurdist drama that is my waiting for a very good smartphone, in this case, a Nokia Lumia 1020-class device on Verizon Wireless.

Why Nokia?

Simple: Nokia has creates the best Windows Phone devices on the market, and soon will be a part of Microsoft.

Living in the armpit of America that is rural northern Colorado, I do not have a good selection of mobile telcos to choose from.

AT&T only has their pseudo 4G service locally.

Sprint, which I currently have, has an unlimited broadband plan, which I also have. Unfortunately, their service only works when you are on the Interstate. As a result, I cannot get any data services at my home or at MedikLabs.

My wife and kids went to Verizon a couple of months or so ago from Sprint when they could not take it any longer. However, I do not want to pay an ETF for a device that I feel is less than optima.

T-Mobile kicked me off their service for roaming too much. Which I blogged here.

When leaves me with Verizon Wireless.

Verizon Wireless, or VZW, has excellent service here. Even at The Orbiting O’Odua, VZW service is still at 4G, with full bars.

However, their phone selection sucks. Moreover, they are always eternally late to market with desirable Windows Phones.

I have waited, almost in vain, it seems, for a very good Nokia Lumia phone, specifically one with a great camera, and I am almost sure I will make a change at the end of this month.

I am still loath to pay an ETF; however, my Sprint HTC Arrive Windows Phone not only is stuck on Windows Phone 7.5, but now autonomously reboots in order to piss me off. I also have to manually reboot the device because it intermittently loses all cellular connectivity when I drive out of my home.

Yes, that’s what I suffer daily.

So, the choices are bare on VZW.

I can’t go with the Nokia Lumia 928 like #1 Son because the 928 may not be user-upgradeable to the next OS rev.

Oh, you can bet I will not be caught dead with any Android device, because well, they are all shitty.

Which brings me to the iPhone.

Apart from telephone, and data access, the iPhone does nothing for me.

Nothing at all.

I don’t have any assets that require it, not does my staff, who are all on Nokia Lumia 920s with AT&T’s very good service in Los Angeles, use it.

This time though, if I do not get satisfaction in the form of a worthy Nokia Lumia phone, I see myself going the iPhone route very soon.

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