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The 2013 SmallBizWindows Consumer Product of the Year: Microsoft SurfaceRT

CONSUMERThanks to good fortune, I have had the use of several tablets here at The Orbiting O’Odua for both reviews and for general use.

In October of 2012, we added SurfaceRT to the mix.

While SurfaceRT bridges the gap between a pure content-consumption consumer device such as the iPad, it also has serious content-creation chops. Basically, you, and any consumer can be productive using SurfaceRT.

Sold as-is with Microsoft Office 2013, SurfaceRT was initially hobbled by aen-US_Surface_Win_RT_NoCover_7XR-00001 dearth of pure Modtro* apps. However, that is rapidly changing. Windows 8 Modtro apps are everywhere, and better than that, Microsoft has expanded Bing into a pure platform, with apps that bring the news to you.

The hardware is slick, looks good, has impressive battery time, and is quite desirable when demoed against the iconic leader in this space.

It is quite telling that the most fought over device in our home is the SurfaceRT box.

Everyone who has tried it has seen the benefits it brings to their content consumption and creation immediately.

The consumer benefits of SurfaceRT are numerous, and I am pleased to see that folks who took the plunge are not only satisfied with the product, but are actually evangelizing it to their peers, a phenomenon last seen at the intro of the iPad. Which bodes well for Microsoft.

As a result, Microsoft SurfaceRT is our SmallBizWindows Consumer Product of the Year 2013.

* Modtro: To date, Microsoft’s reasons for the abandonment of the light and jaunty “Metro” moniker for “Modern” doesn’t make sense. Until then, I refuse to acknowledge ‘Modern’, and as as result, I have come up with ‘Modtro’, my conflation of Modern and Metro.

© 2002 – 2013, John Obeto for Blackground Media Unlimited

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