Absolutely John

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Why can’t I do more with Windows Metro & Microsoft Account?

One of the really cool things with Microsoft Windows 8 is the ability to use your Microsoft Account credentials to login to a system – any system! – and have your favorites and settings pulled down onto that system.

This is quite nice, and it works very well.

But, I want it to do more!

Since it already has my Microsoft Account credentials, why doesn’t it let me save a default account and customization profile to my Microsoft Account? Or multiple profiles, for that matter.

Then, it should ask me, upon provision of a new system, if I would like to use any of those profiles in the new system, installing Windows 8 Modtro apps, and setting them up just the way I like it! Screenshot (2)

Now, wouldn’t that be cool?

Come on Microsoft: you can do this. Make it happen!

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