Absolutely John

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The SmallBizWindows Utility of the Year: Raxco PerfectDisk

UTILITYRaxco PerfectDisk is again our software utility of the year.

As mentioned before, this product is used across several platforms, and it just keeps doing the job required.PDlogo_FINAL

Currently, it defragments Windows 8 PCs as well.

We have expended ink in praise of PerfectDisk in the past, saying:

When I look back at the growth of storage, on both servers and client computers, in this past year alone, and with the increasing sprawl and the attendant management headaches that virtualization brings, it goes without saying that a capable disk defrag utility is needed.

Raxco PerfectDisk is that product, and is our Utility of the Year.

Highly recommended.

© 2002 – 2013, John Obeto for Blackground Media Unlimited

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