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Gestalt IT Storage Field Day 6

I am in San Jose, California for Gestalt IT’s Storage Field Day 6, which, as you can glean from the event name, is the sixth event in the series.

Why does Storage Field Day Matter?

Simple: relevance.

Today, we are faced with two kinds of storage improvements: the first are evolutionary improvements from the legacy storage vendors, sometimes interspaced with some breakthroughs. Secondly, you have the truly revolutionary innovations brought to us by startups.

HP’s 3PAR is an outlier here, as it continually strives to think like a startup, and bring forth truly innovative products.

For that secondary category listed above, where is Gestalt IT’s Tech Field Day series.

The companies presenting at the Storage Field Day series tend to be startups with technologically advanced products that truly move the needle in the real world.

That, folks, is what SFD is about.

And that, is why I’m always ready to participate when invited.

Stay tuned.

More information on Storage Field Day 6 is here.

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