Absolutely John

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The SmallBizWindows Collaboration Product of the Year: Yammer

COLLABORATIONCollaboration Product of The Year is a category we have not visited since 2010.

While SharePoint has gone from strength to strength in the years since then, a new product, Yammer, has taken off in this space.

Presciently purchased by Microsoft in 2012 for a rumored $1 billion+, hammer is immediately very easy to use.Yammer_logo

Yammer is a great stepping-stone in showing what ‘enterprise social’ could be to new adherents.

However, it is much more than that: it is easy to use, is updated at a blistering cadence, and over the past couple of years, created a vibrant ISV community that continues to add value to the platform.

Add in Microsoft’s ownership and SharePoint, and you have a product that is definitely one to use.

Moreover, it is priced very well, at just $3 USD per user per month.

Incidentally, a basic network account is free.

Yammer is at http://www.yammer.com

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