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Shiny New Thing: Spanning Backup for Office 365

What keeps IT drones, and by proxy, their human overlords, awake all night?

If you said backups, goto the head of the table.


We take them for granted.

Until we need them.

Then, it’s “Oh shift!”

One of the easiest cloud services to use is Microsoft Office 365.

I’m serious: it is that easy. In fact, even lower animals could use it.

With that ease of use, comes the dreaded feeling that one may not have secured enough backups.

I tend to make sure that I back up to three places: locally, the small SAN appliance in the basement, and to our cloud repository.

Which makes keeping all versions in sync quite some work.

In rides Spanning Backup for Office 365
snip_20151207170617If it works as advertised, Spanning Backup for Office 365 will let me sleep the portion of the night devoted to worries about Ofice 365 backups away.

According to briefing I had about Spanning Backup a few weeks ago:

Spanning Backup provides daily, automated backup and accurate restore, ensuring that your Office 365 data is protected, available, and recoverable, no matter what….

…as all your Mail and Calendar data is automatically backed up and protected every day. If data is lost because of user mistakes, malicious behavior, or sync errors, you’ll be able to quickly restore that data so your employees can stay productive.

Now, you see why I am looking forward to this!

We shall be testing it on an O365 unit containing just under 25 users, and spanning – no pun J – three continents.

This should be fun.

Thanks to Gina B. for my intro to this product.

Spanning, an EMC company, is located here.

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