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The SmallBizWindows Collaboration Product of the Year: Logitech ConferenceCam Connect

2016-11 - CollabThe SmallBizWindows Collaboration Product of the Year is the Logitech ConferenceCam Connect.

As reviewed here, the ConferenceCam Connect is Logitech’s portable iteration of their ConferenceCam line of videoconferencing products. It decouples the device from stationary placement, and allows users to use it while mobile, on the road, or from several conference rooms within the same location.

As reviewed here, the ConferenceCam Connect is light, powerful, has a backup battery, and works with all relevant videoconferencing software and services.logitech-connect

We were impressed enough that it scored the SmallBizWindows Absolute Best Award.

Our review is here, and the Logitech ConferenceCam Connect product page is here.42016-11 - Collab

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