Absolutely John

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Amazon raises minimum wage to $15 for all US workers

Amazon raises the minimum wages for US employees to $15 per hour IMMEDIATELY.

Not phased in over a decade or something.


This is yuuge!

Good companies are great listeners, and are outliers who try to lead the trend.

Pretty cool how #Amazon is no longer trailing the brand-killing negative connotation of "employee exploiter".

Furthermore, it has not only leapt ahead, but is now, brilliantly, going to "level" the playing field by lobbying Congress to raise the minimum wage.

Firstly, this 'levels' the field, in that getting Congress to raise the minimum wage puts extra pressure and hurt on competitors, especially those on already razor-thin margins or in dire straits financially.

Secondly, if Congress decides not to increase the minimum wage, which is a near certainty, Amazon gets to be able to tell Congress to STFU, however oh-so-nicely, whenever a Congresscritter gets all spun up, and tries to besmirch Amazon on wages.

Thirdly, it is a fantastic recruitment tool. Since it is more than what rivals are paying right now. Which should pay dividends as we get to the Christmas and holiday seasons, when workers, seasonal or full-time, are needed.

Fourthly, hourly workers on the lowest rung cannot now complain. As of today, they will be earning over 2x the national minimum wage. Short of videographic evidence where workers are being abhorrently abused, the general public won’t be sympathetic.

Lastly, they get Berners of their corporate back!

How cool is that?

Altogether brilliant.

Don’t forget that this

Bloomberg has an on-point article here.

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