Absolutely John

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Supremes allow employer-supplied devices to be snooped

Why is this news at all?

How did we get here?

Listen, your employer  supplied you with <<insert device type here>>. What makes you think – even with the assistance of a contractual agreement, that the device, whatever it may be, that they supplied, and paid for, and may also be paying a subscription for, is somehow your private device?

That numbskull masquerading as a police officer should have known better.

And the jurists in the California Republic should have rejected this as what is really is: a laugher, from a dimwit sexting, when he should have purchased a cheapo pager for his amorous forays into cyberspace.

Move along. Nothing to see here.

For the first time in ages, this short-handed Supreme Court makes a correct, as opposed to an extremist, decision.

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