Nigeria would consider China's C919 plane for new airline? Seriously?

This is how Nigeria does corruption.

In the attempt to reboot their national airline, the government of Nigeria is again going to go with aircraft from Boeing, Airbus, and now….China.

On the surface, it might look merely insane.

However, the truth is much more invidious: it is a money grab.

This way, all three countries have a dog in the fight, so to speak, and would allow the bloated sale contracts to be funded, and be on the gravy train for the next decade and more.

Moreover, by divving up their number of airplane suppliers, the corrupt officials there are baking in inefficiencies by design, and ensuring that anti-corruption authorities in the US, the EU, and China would look the other way once expected monies from bribes are shared.

Meanwhile, the people of Nigeria keep suffering.

Original story:

Nigeria would consider China's C919 plane for new airline

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