May 2005 - Exciting Month

This is going to be an exciting month. My close proximity to Rancho Cordova, coupled with my taking time off for Trevor, gives me time to explore new opportunies I want Logikworx to get into.

With my sabbatical in full bloom, I am taking the opportunity to spend some time with the IT services/technical support department at LogikLabs. Normally, I visit the Labs about once monthly, unless there is a pressing need.

With Virtual Studio 2005 and SQL Server 2005, Windows XP 64-bit edition, and, ultimately, Server 2003 'R2' coming down the pike, we see a great opportunity for both new and in-place
upgrades in our existing customer base.

As a result we will be testing several server beta components over the next few months.

We will be performing an install/eval trifecta today: Virtual Server 2005, Windows Server 2003 (SP1) 'R2' beta, and Microsoft Data Protection Server (manager?) beta.

R2 will be installed on two (2) rigs: rig-1 will be a native install of R2 while rig-2 will be a Virtual Server 2005 host of R2.

This blog will be my notes on this beta process.