The SmallBizWindows Software of the Year 2015: Microsoft Office 365

09 - softwareMicrosoft Office 2013 is the SmallBizWindows Software of the Year 2015.

Surprisingly, this is the first win for Microsoft Office in any category here, if I remember correctly.

Well, feel free to notch our oversight as a slight, and a travesty!

For which we profusely apologize.

When it comes to desktop productivity applications, there’s only one product that resides at the pantheon of excellence: Microsoft Office, now in version Office 365 both as a subscription, and also as traditionally licensed boxed software.

I don’t believe there’s anything else I can add but to say that it works magnificently with Microsoft OneDrive.

Oh, and it is now completely free on devices 10” and less in screen size.

This is the best desktop productivity suite offered on Planet Earth!

What are you waiting for?

© 2002 – 2015, John Obeto for Blackground Media Unlimited

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