
The Orbiting O’Odua: The Game Plan

As I look at the task before me, I realize that a game plan, such as I would architect for a small business is required for this undertaking.

However, since I expect the equipment to be swapped in and out as necessary, my plans have to be very fluid as...(read more)

The New Orbiting O’Odua

A few weeks ago, my new home, aka The Orbiting O’Odua , version 2009, came online.

While musing with some of my friends who are at the vanguard of Social Media, I remarked that it might be a good idea to make it a ‘demo home’ for electronics and total...(read more)

Give (PRODUCT)RED this St. Valentine’s Day

One of the limited editions of Windows Vista™, is the (PRODUCT) RED Windows Vista Ultimate Edition.

As you search for a lasting gift for you loved one/ones this Valentine’s Day, why not give the Windows Vista Ultimate (PRODUCT) RED ?

This is an INC(RED...(read more)

HP Small Business Servers Review Series

Over the next few (several?) months, I will be reviewing the HP’s entire series of small business servers.

I will use a real-world business for each review scenario, and report on the performance and ROI each server brings to small and medium businesses...(read more)

IBM may face mainframe antitrust investigation in Europe?

I mean, could this day get any better?

Last week, Doofustina Prime , also known as EU Competition Comish Nelly Kr’oes, declared stupidly again that Internet Explorer was in violation of EU antitrust laws. I groaned, saying to myself, “Here we go again...(read more)

SmallBizWindows CES Roundup: HP dx9000 TouchSmart Business PC

At the 2009 International CES, HP unveiled their dx9000 touch-enabled PC.

The HP dx9000 TouchSmart Business PC
Essentially a TouchSmart for the business market, this PC again vaults HP to the vanguard in innovation in the PC space, this time, in the business...(read more)

The HP Magic Giveaway Entry Rules

  1. Register on this forum. You may post an introductory message. However that is not necessary.
  2. Describe yourself and what you would like to do in a private email to (You don’t want your masterpiece duplicated now, do you?)
  3. In the spirit of this Giveaway, I would like to know what or how you intend to create HP Magic for someone this Christmas.
  4. Let me know if this is a collaboration, where the team shares the spoils.
  5. Create the WOW! Entry.
  6. Send your entry to
  7. If your entry is too large to email, contact me, and I will create a SkyDrive solution specifically for your entry.
  8. You can submit as many entries as you want.
  9. If you have any questions, post publicly to the forum.

The HP Magic Giveaway by AbsoluteVista

The HP Magic Giveaway is the event of this Christmas Season*: a giving of a massive amount of computing hardware and software HP and Microsoft to single person for both personal use, and for giving it forward to other deserving people or organizations.

Read on

*I use Christmas to describe this season for several reasons. However, it is your season, whatever your faith or beliefs are.

The HP Magic Giveaway by AbsoluteVista & SmallBizWindows

We are giving away four systems, a Media Center Extender, and a bunch of software.

Check here for details.

HP Magic Giveaway Winners List

I will attempt to maintain a list of the winners of the HP Magic Giveaway here.

So far, Windows Connected, Bleeping Computer, Gear Live, Morningside Mom, Thoughts on Poetics & Tech, & BostonPocketPC have announced winners.

Congratulations to all of them.

What makes this even more amazing are some of the remarkable and magical things some of the winners are doing with the gifts. Please follow the hyperlinks to read these stories.

On deck are Neowin, Media Blab, HackCollege, The Gadgeteer, Gotta Be Mobile, and I Started Something.

The HP Magic Giveaway – 1st Winner announced

Grinler over at has just announced the first – and may I say ‘lucky’ – winner in the global HP Magic Giveaway.

The winner is Bryan6376 on his website. His post announcing the winner is here . Next up for winner announcements: Josh...(read more)

4 weeks with Windows 7 Milestone 3

On October 26, 2008, I had the opportunity of being part of an exclusive group selected by Microsoft to participate in a Windows 7 Reviewer’s Workshop prior to the public debut of the Windows 7 beta by Steven Sinofsky on Tuesday, October 28, 2008, at the Microsoft Professional Developer’s Conference (PDC2008) in Los Angeles, California. (Read on)

The Chief Yahoo! speaks, and Redmond isn’t listening

Sometime earlier this year, Steve Ballmer, on behalf of Microsoft, made an offer for Yahoo! that was beyond generous.

We all know how that went: the Yahooligans went ballistic, thinking their little piece of the pie was worth more than was offered. After...(read more)

    PDC2008 Day 1 Keynote: Ray Ozzie

    A few moments ago, Ray Ozzie, Chief Software Architect at Microsoft, announced Windows Azure, Microsoft’s cloud-based service foundation, which powers the Azure Services Platform, which is the moniker for Microsoft’s variation on SaaS offerings. Called...(read more)

    PDC2008: Attendee Reception

    Held at the rooftop of one of LA’s newest ‘beautiful people’ hangouts, this was a kinda odd event for me, as my two most favorite bloggers on Terra, Terri Stratton and Mike Reyes, were not in attendance due to previous plans.

    However, it was good seeing...(read more)