Open XML wins again

Microsoft Office & the ODF format

Sometimes it is a wonder how the obvious manages to escape the eyes of the supposedly knowledgeable.

Case in point is Microsoft's decision to add ODF and PDF read/write functionality directly into the next service pack of Microsoft Office 2007, this before the ISO 29500-standard is implemented.

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OOXML: Rumors, innuendos, and outright lies!

When you tell a lie often enough, it takes on a patina of truth each time it is uttered, and after a while, it starts to sound like the truth.

Rumors of underhanded tactics, skullduggery, and outright bribery have been heaped on Microsoft since the win.

Microsoft has largely remained silent, in my opinion, allowing these rumors to fester.

In the just-concluded, successful standardization process for ISO 29500, aka OOXML, a lot of ink has been spent by the opposition to OOXML in trying to discredit Microsoft and the standardization process.

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Some Good news on the OOXML front

Today, the US INCITS voted to approve the Open Office XML document format specification for fast-track approval to the ISO.

Read the full article


Hurray for Ecma TC46

Ecma international is probably the only progressive standards body out there.

Thanks to them we have Ecma 376, currently submitted to the ISO for certification as a standard, and now, TC46.

TC46, full name TC46- XPS Technical Committee, is a technical committee just formed to develop a standard based on Microsoft's XML Paper Specification.

About time, Microsoft!

I am pleased that Microsoft is pursuing a standards-based certification for this excellent product; excellent even in this first iteration.

As usual, those that cannot, whine! They are miffed that their input was either not solicited, nor required for Ecma 376 (Open Office XML), and might not be for TC46.

I understand.

Dudes, you have been outed as being irrelevant to these processes.

Just go away already.

Sutor, Updegrove, you know who I'm talking about!

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Open XML is on ISO fast track.

It must not have been a good weekend in Armonk.

Despite all their specious arguments, the ISO, speaking through Lisa Rajchel, informs us that, after consulting with staff at the International Technology Task Force - a grandiose name indeed - she decided to move the application to a fast track status.

Can I get a 'YAY' from the audience?

Isn't Ms. Rajchel several megaparsecs removed in functional processing power than that harridan, Kroes?

I wonder if the headbanging at IBM over this new development has stopped?

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