Windows Mobile

Android harlots: Android to surpass iPhone

Will this nonsense ever stop?

Now you have some dimwits proclaiming the ascent of Android….over the iPhone!


For goodness sakes, it would NEVER happen!

Even if you look past the desirability of the iPhone*, how do you get past the Linux underpinnings...(read more)

Google drops Bluetooth and other features from Android

O Oh!

I guess it isn’t a cakewalk to produce an OS, any OS, after all, is it?

When those arrivistes from 1600 Amphitheater Parkway in Mountain View announced their all-encompassing mobile phone OS sometime in the past year, the mainstream media harlots went agog...(read more)

Moto has 3 phone OSs?

Could there be any more clearer sign of the impending doom for MOT (the stock) and Motorola?

They are supporting 3 phone OSs: Their crappy OS, Symbian, and Windows Mobile.

One question:


Isn't it hard enough doing the GSM, CDMA, IDEN shuffle?

Not even Alex Bell had the chutzpah!

Not even Alexander Graham Bell had the chutzpah to bestow all those nonsensical platitudes on the first telephone as Steve Jobs did on the iPhone iBrick.

But, worse than Stevie is the media, especially mainstream media and Apple fanboi.

Following the press conference, they all anointed the iBrick as the second coming.


Are you freakin' kiddin' me?

Have they no shame?

In one fell swoop, HTC, Motorola, Nokia, Sony Ericcson, etc., etc, are irrelevant?

Can someone perform emergency recto-cranial de-insertion surgery on all these tossers? Please? Pretty please?

People, back away from the ether and regain your senses.

Then revisit your articles/posts/blogs/whatever, and redo the absolutely stupid and hypocritical banalities in the fishwrap/glossy/whatever medium you morons earn your pitiful remuneration.


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